The Root Chakra / Muladhara

This first chakra is represented by the color red and located at the base of our spine. This chakra is the foundation of our chakra system and takes responsibility of keeping us grounded and rooted in ourselves and the world around us. When our Root chakra is closed, we may feel uneasy, anxious, or paranoid. Wearing the color red, meditation, and the use of black tourmaline, hematite, and other crystals can help open your chakra by creating a sense of calm and safety. Our red products are infused with genuine Black Tourmaline to encourage grounding and security within yourself and your home.

The Sacral Chakra / Swadhisthana

Our second chakra is supported by the color orange and located at our lower abdomen right below our navels. The chakra dedicated to our pleasure and creativity. Blockages in this area can look like insecurities, overindulgence and obsessions with sexual activity and substances. The color orange can help open and clear this chakra which is why our products include genuine Carnelian crystals to support stability and pleasure while promoting love and passion in the body. Carrying this crystal with you can also help promote self worth and transmute that blocked energy into creativity.

The Solar Plexus Chakra / Manipura

The next chakra in our body is located right above at the center of our stomach. Represented by the color yellow, the solar plexus is associated with our self confidence and ego. If you are feeling unsure of yourself, dependent, or pessimistic, your solar plexus may be experiencing blockages. Practicing self care activities like meditation and speaking positive affirmations can help clear this space to allow confidence, independence, and self assurance. For the Solar Plexus, our yellow items are infused with genuine Citrine crystals to encourage abundance and prosperity.

The Heart Chakra / Anahata

Our middle chakra is located right at our ”heart center”and supported by the color green and pink. This chakra is the center of loving feelings. When your Heart chakra is balanced, you will find appreciation for beauty, yourself, and others. Compassion is easily practiced as well. An unbalanced Heart chakra can look like feelings of disconnection, jealousy, and lack of trust in others. Nephrite Jade crystals are infused in our green items to attract unconditional love residing in your self, your relationships, and in your home.

The Throat Chakra / Vishudda

The next chakra is located at the throat and supported by the color blue. An open throat chakra is characterized by open communication, understanding, and the ability to express oneself easily. When the throat chakra is closed, we tend to find difficulty in these things which produces the opposite such as frustration and fear of speaking. Our blue products are infused with Lapis Lazuli crystals to aid with self-expression and creativity. They can be placed around your home for clearing of the mind and encouraging divine communication.

The Third Eye Chakra / Ajna

Located in-between our eyes at the center of our forehead is the chakra often referred to as our minds-eye. This chakra promotes a strong intuition, learning skills, and our ability to visualize beyond what we see. When this chakra is closed, we may feel confusion, complacency, and lack of clarity. Wearing the color violet (or indigo) supports opening our Third Eye and all of our violet items are infused with sacred Amethyst crystals to activate vision and strengthening intuition.

The Crown Chakra / Sahasrara

Our last chakra is supported by the color magenta (or purple). Located at the top of our heads, this chakra is most sacred. An open Crown Chakra promotes clarity, wisdom, and overall awareness. When blocked, it can contribute to feeling disconnected from oneself and spirituality. Using crystals such as Amethyst and Clear Quartz can fix this blockage and induce cosmic consciousness. Our magenta products are infused with Clear Quartz to enhance spiritual growth, wisdom, and peace.